Social Skills in Online Discussions
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Phang, C. W., Kankanhalli, A., Tan, B. C. Y. (2018). What Motivates Contributors vs. Lurkers? An Investigation
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Walmsley, B. (2015). From arts marketing to audience enrichment: How digital engagement can deepen and democratize artistic exchange with audiences. Poetics 58. pgs 66–78. Retrieved October 2, 2018, from
Boa, E. A., Wattanatorn, A., Tagong, K. (2018). The development and validation of the Blended Socratic Method of Teaching (BSMT): An instructional model to enhance critical thinking skills of undergraduate business students. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences. 39(1). Pgs. 81-89. Retrieved October 2, 2018, from
Domakin, A., (2013). Can Online Discussions Help Student Social Workers Learn When Studying Communication? Social Work Education, 32 (1), pgs. 81–99. Retrieved October 2, 2018, from
Nevgi, A., Virtanen, P. and Niemi, H. (2006). Supporting students to develop collaborative learning skills
in technology-based environments. British Journal of Educational Technology. 37(6). pgs 937–947. Retrieved October 2, 2018, from
Phang, C. W., Kankanhalli, A., Tan, B. C. Y. (2018). What Motivates Contributors vs. Lurkers? An Investigation
of Online Feedback Forums. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). Retrieved October 2, 2018, from
Walmsley, B. (2015). From arts marketing to audience enrichment: How digital engagement can deepen and democratize artistic exchange with audiences. Poetics 58. pgs 66–78. Retrieved October 2, 2018, from