![]() CEO Company Name: HottaDanFyah Muzik Int. Inc. Dates Employed: Sep 2016 – Present Employment Duration: 1 yr 9 mos Location: Brooklyn, New York Introduced a group of respected international artists to each other, and presented the idea of incorporating the HottaDanFyah Muzik name established in Ghana. Created online meeting spaces and filed articles of incorporation. Explained the different responsibilities for each position on the board of directors. Taught the president basic meeting procedure and agenda preparation. Constructed an Internet presence. Modified a Bylaws boilerplate and presented it for review and approval. Created a one-sentence contract to buttress verbal agreements. Mentored president during early interactions with Jamaica. Trained Treasurer. Village Ambassador Company Name: Farato Dates Employed: Dec 2010 – Present Employment Duration: 7 yrs 6 mos Location: Gambia Represent Africa in an objective and open manner, sharing our message of peace, love and hope. Apply insightful analysis and offer unique ideas toward correcting issues of inequality and inequity. Encourage unity while preserving world cultures. Peer Counselor and Volunteer Community Advocate Company Name: Varied Dates Employed: Jul 1990 – Present Employment Duration: 27 yrs 11 mos Location: Varied Lobbied state legislators regarding public school issues. Lobbied county and city commissions regarding zoning, safety, and budget issues. Produced correspondence between neighborhood organizations and community leaders. Coordinated crime, legislation and community awareness meetings with guest speakers. Lobbied Congressman to restore work visas for foreign entertainers. Called Congress to request deescalation intervention during an international crisis. Owner Company Name: Blakk Rose Music Dates Employed: Mar 2010 – Mar 2012 Employment Duration: 2 yrs 1 mo Location: Clearlake, California Trained a Jamaican partner in professional networking and team-building interactions, as well as university-level message design and presentation skills. Co-produced, marketed and performed in an overnight yard show with over 500 eager participants of all socioeconomic levels during a national state of emergency. Learned show production and presentation in the United States from a professional American singer and a Jamaican Entertainment Attorney with UNESCO. Attended and participated in African shows. Introduced myself, promoted music, and shared goals during a live national radio interview in The Gambia. Anecdote indicates that these activities spearheaded a revival of the reggae industry and the worldwide unification of the Rastafari nation. Consultant for District Superintendent Company Name: Konocti Unified School District Dates Employed: Feb 2008 – Sep 2009 Employment Duration: 1 yr 8 mos Location: Lower Lake, California Presented proposal to integrate technology in class using online course delivery application. Discussed student safety. Conducted search for information regarding middle school success rates and available options to current middle school practices. Explored redistribution of schools according to research-based recommendations. Art Docent Company Name: Konocti Unified School District Dates Employed: Jan 2006 – Aug 2009 Employment Duration: 3 yrs 8 mos Location: Lower Lake, California Designed and delivered visual art lessons that were integrated into the core curriculum during small group projects. Increased history and art comprehension. Fostered student enthusiasm and cooperation. Americorps Volunteer Company Name: Oak Hill Middle School Dates Employed: Jan 2006 – Aug 2006 Employment Duration: 8 mos Location: Clearlake, California Tutored at-risk and struggling students in reading. Boosted engagement by integrating visual art. Intervened and moderated student conflicts. Calmed unnerved seventh graders after one of them unintentionally injured my eyes. Trusted supervising Vice Principal's guidance and leadership. Staff Substitute Teacher Company Name: Oak Hill Middle School Dates Employed: Aug 2005 – Aug 2006 Employment Duration: 1 yr 1 mo Location: Clearlake, California Dedicated all working hours to one school. Improved student-substitute relationships. Raised assignment completion rates. Boosted school moral. Coached teachers about how to apply university-level curriculum design and student-centered learning methodologies in the classroom. Senior Reader Company Name: Lower Lake High School Dates Employed: Jan 2004 – May 2004 Employment Duration: 5 mos Location: Lower Lake, California Taught MLA writing style to a class of 12th graders. Proof-read and edited thirty 10-page papers. Briefed students in presentation skills. Mentored an at-risk gifted student through the entire senior project process: research, library visit, writing, reading, editing, photography, posterboard layout, basic visual art concepts, and public speaking. Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant in Technology for Educators Company Name: University of Central Florida Dates Employed: Aug 2000 – May 2002 Employment Duration: 1 yr 10 mos Location: Orlando, Florida Area Edited, modified and taught face-to-face and WebCT-based course curriculum pages. Analyzed course objectives, student technology competencies, and instructor goals in order to design and develop a completely Web-based learning environment that best supports the students’ successful acquisition of course objectives as well as the creative application of those objectives so that students could meet work-related responsibilities regardless of their technology competency level. Supervisor, PALs (Peers Assisting Learners) Online Company Name: University of Central Florida Dates Employed: Aug 1999 – Aug 2000 Employment Duration: 1 yr 1 mo Location: Orlando, Florida Area Facilitated the development of a pioneer program providing support for online students. Designed both face-to-face and online training for online student assistants. Presented online training developments to university faculty and administrators. On-line Teaching Assistant in Legal Studies Company Name: University of Central Florida Dates Employed: Oct 1998 – Aug 2000 Employment Duration: 1 yr 11 mos Location: Orlando, Florida Area Acted as liaison between professor of record and students. Learned to facilitate Socratic dialog in both face-to-face and online classroom environments. Succeeded in the design, development and teaching of an undergraduate online classroom, delivered via Internet public domain and WebCT, which facilitated both the acquisition of legal studies core curriculum and higher-level problem solving skills. Tech Consultant for the Freshman Seminar Group during Faculty Workshop Week Company Name: University of Central Florida Dates Employed: April 1999 - April 1999 Employment Duration: 1 mo Location: Orlando, Florida Area Collaborated in the development of program goals that would support freshman student success. Communicated how available technology could best support the group’s goals. Created goals summary slide in PowerPoint. Created the graphics and supporting text-based instructions using MS Image Composer and MS Word for the group’s final presentation. Honestly, I can trace this concept of "Storytelling for SMM (Social Media Marketing)" back to my days at UCF when Dr Pyle had me conduct online discussions about legal concepts applied to scenarios with students in 1999-2000. The communication skills I acquired in those dialogs served as my foundation when I developed the pages in MySpace in 2009. My intent in MySpace was to tell a story that would attract the attention of my neighborhood after the local newspaper quit printing my submissions when the school district embezzled our PTA money. The blog I created was submitted to the federal government when I handed it to my VA psychologist with an explanation of what it was, why I was giving it to him (document everything that has happened to me and the process I went through to cope with it), and what I wanted him to do with it (use it as supporting evidence to justify the need for a clinic in Clearlake) the last time we spoke before I left everything to move to Jamaica in June 2010. Storytelling in social media was, indeed, the way that I opened the conversation with the Jamaican music industry in Facebook in February 2010. When we first met each other, no one would talk with me about anything having to do with the industry. From what I could see, the only thing they were willing to do was share their new songs. In order to break the ice, I asked if they would like to share stories about our cultures. It worked wonderfully and continues to be a cornerstone in all of my social media interactions. Give me a minute and I will show you a picture of the day we celebrated that victory. It should still be here in Facebook. Excuse me... brb Tracing "Storytelling for SMM" back to when the Jamaican music industry entered the picture in March 2010.At the time, I attributed the dialog to my interactions with Rasta idren working in or around the Jamaican music industry.No confusion about my belief that it was a community effort.My time working for Dr. Pyle at UCF served at the heart of what I did in MySpace. In the years before coming into MySpace, I kept my social media skills honed in Neopets. My account flourished and grew with the help of a wonderful group of people from my high school neighborhood, the Pacific Northwest. This provided a seamless transition to MySpace. Six months playing Mobsters under the guidance of what was reputedly a group of professional psychologists further polished my online communication abilities so that, when I said hello to Jamaica, I was skilled enough to bring an industry into the conversation. Almost immediately, Africa joined us. A few weeks ago, we expanded the dialog to include the Middle East and South Asia in Twitter. Reflecting on another milestone moment... I was in the classroom the morning after 9-11. We were not prepared for it. There was not enough time to cancel classes. At 10:30PM, I was on the phone with my supervising professor listening to her tell me I must rewrite the lesson to include current events. I spent the night working and was at school early enough to reserve the media room before my 8:00 AM class. This way, we cold take a break and go downstairs to watch the president's address. Everyone did well with it, and i am sure we were all transformed by it. I talk about some of that in my graduate goals statement. Anyway, I tasked myself with moderating an objective discussion that analyzed message design in edtech by considering the content of the day's news in light of best academic practices. This is a skill that was deeply embedded in my psyche. So much so, that I carry it with me today. It has, indeed, been one of the philosophies around which I design these Storytelling for Social Media Marketing moments. To be sure, storytelling using visual art to share homework is what I did as an Art Docent for 7th graders. Let me see if I can find that contract... ![]() This is my 2007 Art Docent contract. My goal was to integrate art into the core curriculum. I taught students basic visual art and poster concepts that they would use to help tell a story about a chapter of history. I was also in Tawain in the spring of 2001 as a guest lecturer because I had designed a groundbreaking PowerPoint presentation using photos and sound only... no words... to tell a story. I turned that presentation into a YouTube video. Let me go get it... brb...
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Nanny Maroon